PHP 7.1 - 9 New Features you need to know

PHP 7.1, the new minor version of PHP is finally here, with a number of new features, changes, and bug fixes. In this article, let's look at some of the awesome features in PHP 7.1. Like, iterable pseudo type Closure from callable Square bracket...

My Docker Setup - Ubuntu, php7-fpm, Nginx and MariaDB

When we work as a team, it's insanely difficult for all of us to have the same environment. Some devs may be working on Linux machines whereas others working on Mac/Windows machines. Some dependencies may work on some machines, while others may not...

Set up OAuth2 server using Laravel Passport

Laravel is one of my favorite frameworks, not because it is the best but it provides far better developer experience compared to any other frameworks. Laravel 5.3 comes with a handful of new features like Passport, Scout, Notifications, etc. that...

Knapsack - Collection Pipeline for Fun and Profit!

PHP has this powerful data structure called array, which we can use to handle any collection of data. We can then traverse them using for or foreach and process the data. The introduction of Closures in PHP 5.3 made the collection processing a bit...

Installing PHP 7 on Mac using Homebrew

Here is a quick way to install PHP7 on Mac, in three easy steps. brew update brew install homebrew/php/php70 export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php70)/bin:$PATH" Alternatively you can add export PATH="$(brew --prefix...

Automatic construction injection in Slim 3

In the previous blog post we have discussed how to replace the default Pimple Container with Aura.DI in Slim framework 3. Aura.DI gives us more flexibility in terms of managing dependencies. We saw one most useful feature in Aura.DI, Inheritance of...

Slim 3: Replacing Pimple with Aura.Di

Slim framework is my go-to micro framework for all small projects because of it's simplicity and easiness to use. The new version of this cool framework is just around the corner and they have released RC-1 a few days back. Slim 3 have some very...

HaPHPy 20th Birthday PHP!

Today is the 20th birthday of PHP. Rasmus Lerdorf announced first version of PHP on 8th June 1995. It's been an amazing journey since then. Now as a language that powers 80% of the web, including most popular websites like Facebook, Wikipedia, etc....

Human friendly date-time formatting for Symfony and Twig

KnpLabs/KnpTimeBundle is a really simple Bundle which converts date time strings to human friendly "ago" dates with support to many languages out of the box. Here is how you can use it in your Symfony projects. First things first. Before you use...

TexptPress 1.0.0 released!

Today I've released the first stable version of TextPress (V 1.0.0), with bunch of new features. TextPress now comes with a new responsive template built on top of Twitter Bootstrap 2. I have also added the support for multiple themes. See the...

Functional Programming and PHP

Many programmers like to talk about functional programming, but if you ask them if they’ve ever done it, most of their replies will be “No”. The reason is quite simple: we are taught to think in an imperative manner when we first start...

Debugging and Profiling PHP with Xdebug

PHP is the most popular language for web development, but a common criticism against it used to be that it lacked a suitable debugger. Developers using languages like Java and C# enjoy a powerful suite of debugging tools, often integrated directly...

NotORM for easy database interaction

In this article we will learn how to use NotORM, a simple PHP library for interacting with database. Its really simple and easy to learn. Continue reading...

PHP and Git on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk, which launched in January 2011, is a Platform service that simplifies application deployment in AWS. Amazon has recently extended Beanstalk with PHP language support. By adding PHP in Beanstalk, Amazon has made clear their move...

PHPFog and Pagoda Box: A Look at PHP Platforms

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing delivery model which enables companies to focus on business and development, leaving infrastructure management, life cycle management, etc. to service providers... Continue...

Book Review : WordPress 3 Ultimate Security

First of all I thank Packt Publishers for gifting me this great book. For the past few days I was reading the book and felt I should be sharing my thoughts about the book. WordPress 3 Ultimate Security was written by Olly Connelly who is...

Tutorial : Simple ajax validation for Kohana

If you are new to kohanaframework, implementing validation will be an adventure, especially if you are looking for ajax validation. In this article I will present a simple way to implement somel necessary validations using ajax in a sign up form....

Why Kohana is an awesome framework

In this article we will discuss some important features of Kohana, a promising and the sexiest community driven php framework. This article is pretty basic and intended to instigate those who are still not familiar with this framework. One of the...

Simple plugin architecture using php5 Reflection API

Php 5’s reflection api is one of its most powerful feature, which can be used for building robust, extensible applications. It provides built in functionality to analyze the inner structure of classes, their properties and methods and acquire the...

An Introduction to Smarty 3

This article describes the major changes and improvements in smarty 3 comparing to smarty 2. The Smarty 3 API (as of beta 8 ) has been refactored to a syntax geared for consistency and modularity. The Smarty 2 API syntax is still supported, butwill...